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"Decreasing background performance" option

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1 минуту назад, Tear сказал:

Is it possible to add "decreasing background performance" option so when two or more windows are open they don't lag. I tried nosleep.dll and nofire.dll but they get blocked by Active Anticheat.

Don't play in multiple windows then if your computer can't handle 2 windows of lineage 2.
Or do you want to bypass the 2 windows limit in such a tricky way? =)))

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First run 2 clients at the same time on 2 monitors then come back and give some postitive feedback.

If you don't know, lineage 2 automaticly sets second window on a slow performance. They fixed that on higher chronicles with a "decreasing background performance" option in settings. It can be done in interlude but if there is anticheat admins will need to add it.


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