Interlude Опубликовано 27 февраля Поделиться Опубликовано 27 февраля Below is a table of important tasks and their rates. Quest Name Rate The Finest Food x5 Alliance with Varka Silenos x3 War with Ketra x3 The Zero Hour x3-5 Exploration of the Giants’ Cave – Part 1 x1-2 Legacy of Insolence x3 Into the flames x2 An Arrogant Search x3 Delicious Top Choice Meat x3 Guardians of the Holy Grail x3 Gather the Flames x1 Alliance with Ketra Orcs x3 War with Varka x3 Yoke of the Past x3 Exploration of the Giants’ Cave – Part 2 x1-2 Supplier of reagents x2 Audience with the land dragon x3 Last Imperial Prince x3 An Ice Merchant dream x3 Golden Ram Mercenary x6 The finest Ingredients x3 Seekers of the Holy Grail x5 Rise And Fall Of The Elroki Tribe x2 Relics of the Old Empire x1 In Search of Fragments of Dimension x5 Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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